I’m currently reading a book that has been in our home for some time and I’m regretting I hadn’t read it sooner. It is “Half the Sky. How to Change the World” by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wununn (2009). It tells the stories of the plight of women around the world and the incredible injustice and issues they confront in so many areas such as sex slavery, enforced prostitution, rape, lack of proper maternal health care, religious bias, honor killings and the list goes on. It powerfully portrays their struggle for basic human rights and equality. It is a confronting book to read. It has struck me how William Wilberforce and others faced the challenge of slavery in their time, and convincing other Christians that they had to do something to stop this dreadful blight on humanity.
The conviction and challenge has come to me repeatedly that Christians cannot stay silent when even worse slavery of young girls and women is happening today on a larger scale than that in the British empire and Americas.
I would like to encourage every Missional Faith Community and Simple Church to pray for Gods guidance, and to involve themselves in a Kingdom project. The Gospel must be both seen and proclaimed to be taken seriously. I believe that many people in the wider community will become involved with us in the work of the kingdom as we seek to bring righteousness, peace, justice and compassion into this crazy world. Lets not just “do church” but be change agents for the Kingdom of God!
Check out www.halftheskymovement.org for more details of the book.