Good Questions

  Wednesday 1st May, 2024
  Author: Martin Spratt
  Categories: missional, Simple Church

Good Questions

Here are 20 big questions worth pondering if you love Jesus but honestly don’t like going to a traditional church.

  1. What if church could feel like a close family, where everyone knows and cares for each other?
  2. Have you ever experienced a spiritual gathering that feels more like a community hangout than a traditional service?
  3. Would you be open to exploring faith in a comfortable, home-based environment?
  4. How do you think your relationship with God might grow in a space where everyone is encouraged to share and participate?
  5. What if worship was done in a circle, with conversation and connection as the focus?
  6. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to truly know the people you worship with?
  7. Could a smaller, more personal gathering help you connect deeper with your faith?
  8. How would it feel to attend a church where your thoughts, questions, and contributions matter?
  9. What if church wasn’t about programs, but about sharing life and faith with others?
  10. How do you think your spiritual journey might change in a setting where everyone is involved?
  11. What if church wasn’t a place, but rather a community of people growing together?
  12. Are you curious about exploring spirituality in a space that encourages authenticity and vulnerability?
  13. Could your faith grow stronger in a setting where people genuinely do life together?
  14. What do you think it would be like to attend a church gathering where everyone’s gifts are encouraged and celebrated?
  15. How would you feel about exploring your faith in an open, conversational setting rather than a formal service?
  16. What if your church experience was more about building deep, meaningful relationships with others?
  17. Have you ever longed for a more interactive, hands-on approach to faith and community?
  18. Do you think you might connect more deeply with your faith in a smaller group where you can ask questions freely?
  19. How do you think your spiritual life could be impacted by a gathering focused on prayer, discussion, and fellowship?
  20. What would it mean for you to be part of a faith community where everyone is known and valued?

These questions are intended to inspire your curiosity and help you envision a very real Biblical pattern to experiencing Jesus, community and faith.

Living The Dream…

~ Article used with permission: Martin Spratt -