Author: Articles by Phil Brown

About Phil Brown

Director of Oikos Australia

Phil has been involved in ministry for the past 26 years in Australia in pastoring, planting churches, managing aid organisations, training pastors and lay members in spirituality and outreach. For the past 4-5 years he has enjoyed vision casting and mentoring leaders while supporting the planting of some 40 new churches and missional groups in Western Australia.

His love of learning has led him to study theology, history, psychology and sociology. Currently studying at a Doctoral level he is researching Discipleship and Evangelism in Missional Groups and Churches. He believes that fresh expressions of Church and Faith Communities are needed to reach average people in Australia and other countries. His heart is to see Movements develop which advance the Kingdom of God. His passion involves teaching in spirituality, prayer ministry and desires to see people connect with God in deeper and more intimate ways. He has led seminars throughout Australia and internationally.

Author Posts

Some real felt needs within simple church/ missional faith communities.

  Monday 1st August, 2016
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: Simple Church, missional
  Topic(s): Mission, General

Having visited many missional groups and simple church leaders within Australia I am hearing some needs that seem to be widespread young...

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  Monday 1st December, 2014
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: leadership

Many of us are involved in missional faith communities, simple churches, house churches, kingdom ministry or whatever term we use to...

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The Practise of Discipleship - Obeying Christ's Disturbing Call

  Sunday 1st June, 2014
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: Discipleship
  Topic(s): Discipleship

Discipleship isn’t about some form of perfection reserved for a class of elite Christians, but rather the everyday life practices that...

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The Gospel and the Kingdom

  Thursday 10th April, 2014
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: missional
  Topic(s): Mission

At its core the Gospel is the good news of what Jesus has accomplished for us in His death and ressurection and the free gift of...

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Different Glasses and the Cringe Factor

  Sunday 1st December, 2013
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: leadership, missional

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