I used to promote church planting
As a church planter, I used to promote church planting as the solution to the growth! My emphasis has changed to focus on making...
The Sower and the Soils
We saw that only one of the four soil types was described as “good soil”. A good farmer would surely be aware that the three inferior...
Are You a Servant to the Servants of God?
You may be interested to know that we have launched an initiative in our city called “City Church” (as a principle, NOT a name.) We aim...
Gospel Sharing in the Life of a Believer
While disciple making (and MOVE training) is more holistic than just gospel sharing, it is often the starting point for a person becoming...
The Practise of Discipleship - Obeying Christ's Disturbing Call
Discipleship isn’t about some form of perfection reserved for a class of elite Christians, but rather the everyday life practices that...
5 Ways to identify your person of peace
I believe that many, many disciples can be released to go out as witnesses simply by implementing this basic strategy. The Person of...
Kayla's Story
As weeks went along 10 people came and it blew my mind. I was so happy and thankful that they showed up. After that we would bring free...
If I Had Organic Church To Do Over Again
Let’s pretend for just a moment that Jesus showed up and announced that He was going to lead your house church. What do you think He...